We greatly appreciate donations and support of all kinds received from community members, businesses and organizations.
Books & Bling
Books & Bling
Major sponsors for the Giant Book Sale (now Books & Bling) each year are the Rotary Club of Salt Spring Island, Driftwood Publishing and Country Grocer. The sale would also not be possible without a book-sorting facility generously provided by John Reid.
Jewels for Literacy (now Books & Bling) gratefully acknowledges support from Grass Roots Press, Island Savings, BMO, Salt Spring Public Library, Mondo Trading Company, Contour Grafix, Martinus, Su Obermeier, Gem&I Jewellery, and Culture Aveda Salon and Day Spa.
Donors To Salt Spring Literacy
Donors To Salt Spring Literacy
Salt Spring Literacy also appreciates the support of current landlord Martin Ogilvie and his family, and community partners Salt Spring Public Library, Salt Spring Island Community Services, School District 64, Beacon Community Services (WorkBC), Greenwoods Eldercare Society, Island Women Against Violence and the Raffi Foundation for Child Honouring.