Adult Tutoring Volunteers

Adult Tutoring Volunteers

Our free adult literacy tutoring program depends on a network of volunteer tutors who are willing to devote time on a regular basis to help learners facing challenges with literacy. This could be with reading, writing, math, learning English, or working on coursework. Our volunteer tutors are trained and supported by a Program Coordinator. Once trained, they are carefully matched with a learner. Specific learning goals are identified and agreed upon. The tutor and learner work closely on a regular basis to achieve these goals.
An interview is required for all potential tutors, plus a criminal record check. After completing an orientation, tutors will be matched with an adult learner based on the tutors’ preferences.
We also provide ongoing professional development for all tutors, as well as opportunities to connect with other tutors.

Our free adult literacy tutoring program depends on a network of volunteer tutors who are willing to devote time on a regular basis to help learners facing challenges with literacy. This could be with reading, writing, math, learning English, or working on coursework. Our volunteer tutors are trained and supported by a Program Coordinator. Once trained, they are carefully matched with a learner. Specific learning goals are identified and agreed upon. The tutor and learner work closely on a regular basis to achieve these goals.
An interview is required for all potential tutors, plus a criminal record check. After completing an orientation, tutors will be matched with an adult learner based on the tutors’ preferences.
We also provide ongoing professional development for all tutors, as well as opportunities to connect with other tutors.

Learn more about out programs for adults here
Already a tutor? Discover resources for adult tutoring
Learn more about our programs for adults here
Already a tutor? Discover resources for adult tutoring

If you are interested in tutoring, contact our Executive Director Stella Weinert

Adult Tutoring Volunteer Forms

Volunteer Application Form
Volunteer Application Form
Criminal Record Check Guidelines
Criminal Record Check Guidelines
Tutor-Learner Time Tracking
Tutor-Learner Time Tracking