The island’s youth sharpened their pencils and delivered their jokes to Salt Spring Literacy’s Limerick Contest. We received a commendable turnout of 35 submissions, and with so many side-splitting rhymes, we simply had to increase the number of winners from three to five.

We’re pleased to announce the following have won a $50 gift card to Salt Spring Island Books:

  • Buddy, age 8 for The Haddock
  • Akai, age 9 for Old lady in Spain
  • Shyanna, age 10 for Weirdest of Grins
  • Sara, age 11 for Special Friend
  • Autumn, age 13 for A Horse

We will contact winners directly to arrange pick-up of their award.

Thank you to everyone who submitted. We hope you enjoyed writing them as much as we enjoyed reading them!

Winning limericks:

There once was a haddock that made such a havoc

In the middle of Mexico City

the way they walk and the way they talk

left the haddock in such a great pity

  • Buddy

There was an old lady in Spain

Who had a very big vein

It popped out her nose

And broke all her toes

And made her go insane

  • Akai

My cat has the weirdest of grins

his face kinda looked like pig nins

he took my catnip

he burped with a blip

and was off with that disturbing grin

  • Shyanna

Once I had a very special friend

Her feelings I would always defend

Then she broke my trust

And it provoked us

But we worked it all out in the end

  • Sara

There was a horse who was fast as lightening

Who lived a life that was very frightening

He was scared of hay

So he ran away

Instead ate some grass, it was enlightening

  • Autumn